Creating a Soothing Space

Soothe your mind with your environment.

Your environment can have a major impact on your mood. By creating a soothing space, you can help regulate your mood and calm your mind. The goal is to remove stressful elements and add things that you find soothing. This can look different for everyone!

Here are some things to think about when creating your soothing space: 

  • Declutter: having clutter in your space can be stressful. By decluttering your space, you can also de-clutter your mind!

  • Calming Memories: Do you have a person or place that makes you feel calm? Placing photos or souvenirs that remind you of calming memories can bring peace and comfort to your space. 

  • Greenery: Plants actually soothe humans, so adding them to your space is beneficial! Tending to plants can also help to relax you, and give you a sense of purpose. If you have trouble keeping plants alive, don’t worry! Fake plants can also help relax your space. (If you haven’t noticed yet, Melo Therapy really likes plants lol.)

  • Scent: Scents can actually change your brain chemistry and help reduce anxiety. For example, lavender can be especially calming. Find scents you enjoy, and add them to your space (ex: candles, essential oils, diffusers, etc.). 

  • Comfort: Make sure you have a comfortable place to sit or lay down. Adding soft blankets or supportive pillows can help with this. 

  • Color: Some people find neutral colors to be more peaceful, while others find bright colors help improve their mood. Find what colors make you feel good and add them to your space. 

  • Sound: Do you enjoy quiet? If so, try turning off distracting or loud noises. If you prefer background noise, try turning on music or a podcast. You can also purchase a noise machine to dull outside noises. 

  • Light: Find lighting that feels comfortable. Some people prefer bright, well-lit spaces, while others feel relaxed when it is darker. There is no right answer, simply see what feels most soothing to you. **In case it is helpful: Natural light has been shown to have positive effects both mentally and physically. If you have access to a window, try opening the blinds and see how it makes you feel.


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